Ceramic Implants

By Dr. Sharon Dickerson DDS

What are ceramic implants? 

Dental implants are one possible form of restoration when there is tooth loss and replacement is necessary. A dental implant is a surgical element that affixes within the jaw in order to provide a stable support for a dental prosthesis (e.g., a crown). Ceramic implants are metal-free dental implants crafted from ceramic zirconia dioxide.22,23 

What are the benefits of ceramic implants? 

Here are some reasons why Dr. Dickerson and our patients prefer ceramic to metal implants:

  1. Cosmetic Advantage: Ceramic implants are white and mimic natural tooth exquisitely.8
  2. MetalFree: Research continues to suggest that the dental application of metal implants can result in negative health implications for the patient.8,10-13 Therefore, the use of non-metal ceramic implants avoids any such potential ramifications. 
  3. Immunologically Neutral/Biocompatible: Zirconia dioxide has no free surface electrons, making it an inert material. Thus, studies show that it does not act as an interference field within the energetic meridians of the body.14-15
  4. Healthy Integration: Growing research indicates that zirconia dioxide poses little to no risk for peri-implantitis.16-17 In other words, it generally heals readily to healthy bone and rarely accumulates inflammatory bacteria. Thus, many of the leading biological dentists find zirconia implants to have higher long-term success rates than metal implants.8
  5. FDA Approved: Many varieties of ceramic implants have been approved by the FDA and are shown to be an effective long-term option.21

Photo credit: Swiss Dental Solutions

Are ceramic implants better than titanium implants? 

While there are advantages and disadvantages to both ceramic and titanium implants, the potentially harmful implications of titanium on whole-body health have led our practitioners to favor ceramic implants. However, each person’s biological composition is uniquely different. Thus, the decision to use titanium vs. ceramic implants should be made on an individual basis following comprehensive, holistic diagnosis. 

These are some of the disadvantages to using titanium implants:

  1. Bio-Incompatibility: Most humans possess a high intolerance level to titanium.1
  2. Peri-Implantitis: Peri-implantitis is a site-specific, infectious disease that leads to soft tissue inflammation and bone loss. This disharmony is commonly witnessed following placement of titanium implants (likely due to “rusting”/corrosion).2-6
  3. Autoimmune Reaction: Titanium implants can trigger the release of cytokines and instigate oxidative stress, causing immune system reactions with potentially negative systemic impacts (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, tumors, breast carcinomas, and cardiovascular disease)7, 8
  4. Antenna for Electromagnetic Fields: Due to its metallic composition, titanium amplifies magnetic waves. When applied as a dental implant near the brain, this can lead to balance distortion and systemic inflammation.9
  5. Discoloration: Titanium implants can often produce a gray color at the gum line.20 

How much do ceramic dental implants cost? 

There are many factors involved in the pricing of ceramic dental implant placement. For example, the length of the implant, the type of implant (1-piece, 2-piece, etc.), surgical requirements (extraction, bone grafting, sinus augmentation, etc.), and systemic support during placement (supplemental IV infusions, PRF – plasma rich fibrin18-19, ozone therapy, etc.) must all be considered. Thus, an accurate estimate for the cost of ceramic implant placement can only be determined following a comprehensive diagnosis by a biological dentist. 

Are ceramic implants right for me? 

If you feel you may be in need of a ceramic implant and are seeking a holistic approach to your dental care, please feel welcome to contact our office 720.842.7002. Our highly trained personnel will be delighted to assist you in exploring options related to your comprehensive diagnosis and ceramic implants. 


  1. Schutt S, Von Baehr V. Hyperreaktivitat von Gewebemakrophagen nach Kontakt mit Titanoxidpartikeln als Ursache einer verstarkten lokalen Entzundungsreaktion bei Patienten mit Periimplantitis. ZWR – Das Deutsche Zahnarzteblatt; 2010(119):222–32.
  2. Barao VAR, Yoon CJ, Mathew MT, Yuan JC-C, Wu CD, Sukotjo C. Attachment of Porphyromonas gingivalis to corroded commercially pure titanium and titanium-aluminumvanadium alloy. J Periodontol. 2014;85(9):1275–82. doi:10.1902/jop.2014.130595
  3. Delgado-Ruiz R, Romanos G. Potential Causes of Titanium Particle and Ion Release in Implant Dentistry: A Systematic Review. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(11). doi:10.3390/ ijms19113585
  4. Safioti LM, Kotsakis GA, Pozhitkov AE, Chung WO, Daubert DM. Increased Levels of Dissolved Titanium Are Associated With Peri-Implantitis – A Cross-Sectional Study. J Periodontol. 2017;88(5):436–42. doi:10.1902/jop.2016.160524
  5. Fretwurst T, Nelson K, Tarnow DP, Wang H-L, Giannobile WV. Is Metal Particle Release Associated with Periimplant Bone Destruction? An Emerging Concept. J Dent Res. 2018;97(3):259–65. doi:10.1177/0022034517740560
  6. Apaza-Bedoya K, Tarce M, Benfatti CAM, Henriques B, Mathew MT, Teughels W, Souza JCM. Synergistic interactions between corrosion and wear at titanium-based dental implant connections: A scoping review. J Periodont Res. 2017;52(6):946–54. doi:10.1111/jre.12469
  7. Jacobi-Gresser E. Pathogenese der Periimplantitis. Dentale Implantologie & Parodontologie [Internet];08.2019. Available from: https://www.dimagazin-aktuell.de/implantologie/ periimplantitis/story/pathogenese-der-periimplantitis__6705.html
  8. Swiss BioHealth, 2020. [online] Swiss-biohealth.com. Available at: <https://www.swiss-biohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/swiss-biohealth-concept-2019-en.pdf> [Accessed 5 May 2020].
  9. Fujii Y. Sensation of Balance Dysregulation Caused/ Aggravated by a Collection of Electromagnetic Waves in a Dental Implant. OJAPr. 2014;02(03):29–35. doi:10.4236/ojapr.2014.23004
  10. Stejskal J, Stejskal V. The role of metals in autoimmunity and the link to neuroendocrinology. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 1999;20351–64.
  11. Mutter J. Gesund statt chronisch krank!: Der ganzheitliche Weg: Vorbeugung und Heilung sind moglich. 3rd ed. Weil der Stadt: Fit furs Leben Verlag; 2014. 456 Seiten.
  12. Khan M, Naqvi AH, Ahmad M. Comparative study of the cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Toxicol Rep. 2015;2765–74. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2015.02.004
  13. Bjorklund G, Stejskal V, Urbina MA, Dadar M, Chirumbolo S, Mutter J. Metals and Parkinson‘s Disease: Mechanisms and Biochemical Processes. Curr Med Chem. 2018;25(19):2198–214. doi:10.2174/0929867325666171129124616
  14. Sivaraman K, Chopra A, Narayan AI, Balakrishnan D. Is zirconia a viable alternative to titanium for oral implant? A critical review. J Prosthodont Res. 2018;62(2):121–33. doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2017.07.003
  15. Apratim A, Eachempati P, Krishnappa Salian KK, Singh V, Chhabra S, Shah S. Zirconia in dental implantology: A review. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2015;5(3):147–56. doi:10.4103/2231-0762.158014
  16. Cionca N, Hashim D, Mombelli A. Zirconia dental implants: where are we now, and where are we heading? Periodontol 2000. 2017;73(1):241–58. doi:10.1111/prd.12180
  17. Volz U, Schlomer G, Sidharta J, Haase St. Klinische Nachuntersuchung von Zirkondioxidkeramik-Implantaten -Funktion als Kalzium-Kathode. Dissertation Universitat Ulm;2006.
  18. Anitua E, Prado R, Troya M, Zalduendo M, La Fuente M de, Pino A, Muruzabal F, Orive G. Implementation of a more physiological plasma rich in growth factor (PRGF) protocol: Anticoagulant removal and reduction in activator concentration. Platelets. 2016;27(5):459–66. doi:10.3109/09537104.2016.1143921
  19. Anitua E. Plasma rich in growth factors: preliminary results of use in the preparation of future sites for implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14(4):529–35.
  20. https://www.beverlyhillsdentalhealth.com/what-is-ceramic-implant-and-how-they-different-from-titanium/ 
  21. https://www.lisciodental.com/blog/2020/09/02/ceramic-titanium-dental-implants-colchester/ 
  22. https://www.nobelbiocare.com/blog/tips-and-techniques/ceramic-vs-titanium-implants-when-to-choose-which/ 
  23. https://naturaldentistrycenter.com/zirconiaimplants/

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