Ozone in Biological Dentistry
What Is Ozone? Ozone is most commonly known for its vital role in maintaining earth’s ecological harmony, and for the way in which it interacts with air pollutants at the ground-level (earth’s lower atmosphere).1 However, ozone is also harnessed for medical application in various fields, including biological dentistry.2 Ozone (an O3 molecule) is an activated form of Oxygen (an O2 molecule). Ozone behaves very differently from the oxygen we breathe. Molecules of ozone are much more oxidative and energetic than oxygen molecules.3 These essential molecular qualities are what make ozone such a valuable resource in therapeutic application. How Ozone Supports Systemic Health Ozone has been utilized as a healing modality for over a century, with its effectiveness first gaining true recognition and documentation during WWI. It was later adopted in 1950 as a commonly accepted medical treatment in Germany, with world-wide implementation ...